Café-Crème asbl Luxembourg is a member of EMoP asbl a network of 5 European capitals and their photo institutions. These are as of today Fet’Art Paris ( Circulations), Kulturprojekte Berlin, Imago Lisbonne and Kunsthaus of the city of Vienne.
The European Month of Photography (EMoP) network was initiated in 2004 by the Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris, and its director Jean-Luc Monterosso as a joint venture between European capitals hosting a photography festival with the aim to confront expertise in curatorial practice in photography and the intention to develop common projects, notably exhibitions, including exchange of information about the local photographers and artists concerned with photography. Founding members were the Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris, the Cultural Departement of the City of Berlin (Museumspädagogischer Dienst Berlin) and the Department for Cultural Affairs of the City of Vienna. They were subsequently joined by the Central European House of Photography, Bratislava, the Museum of Photography, Moscow, the association Zone Attive working for the City of Rome and Café-Crème asbl for Luxembourg. Whereas Moscow and Rome left the network, Photon Association, Ljubljana, and the Association of Hungarian Photographers in Budapest have joined the network in 2012; Athens ( Hellenic Center for Photography ) joined in 2014.
Since January 2018, Kunsthaus Vienna is replacing Musa whose photo collection is now taken care of by Wien Museum.
Since 2004, representatives of these cities are meeting about four to five times a year to discuss common projects. Six common exhibitions about the aesthetics and technical challenges met by contemporary photographers and artists have been organized – each with a catalogue – since.